Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Helpful Tips

I'm sure you are all wondering "How are we going to survive the endless hoards of zombies?"

Well, with these tips, you'll have close to no problem staying alive in this apocalypse.

1. Move to Costco.
Food, water, clothing, entertainment, hygiene. You need all of those things. Costco has it all. Just make sure the place is empty first.

2. Guns.
If you can, you must stay as far away as possible from these nasty creatures. Shoot them in the face with a shotgun.

3. Swords.
If you don't have your gun handy and that zombie is getting dangerously close to you, you can easily dispose of it with your trusty sword. Plus, you'll look awesome with it.

4. A tank.
Don't ask me where to get one, but it'll make traveling a lot easier.

5. Radios.
I'm sure there are other survivors out there...

6. Read as many apocalypse books as possible.
The authors meant to write these as fiction, but now it's actually happening. They might have some helpful tips.

7. Armor.
Besides making you look awesome, it'll help if a zombie tries to rip you to pieces.

That's all I can think of right now.

Get ready, everybody.

1 comment:

Let me know if you have discovered evidence that the world is going to end soon...